How Mobile Smart System Works For Your Automotive Business

BLOGS Lately, mobile apps are becoming increasingly desired among companies. Be it e-commerce stores or the automotive shops, every business is trying to reach their respective customers even closer with the help of these smart system. Every passing day, the usage of smart system is increasing, and this has a significant impact on the number of apps that are available in the market. This day, every business requires a proper online presence. Mobile system can offer their go-to choose here. These systems are pretty useful, and companies are in dire need of them. There are reasons why every workshop business needs to have automotive software. If you have a car auto repair workshop and questioning like why car dealers or independent workshops need a mobile smart system, then this article is for you. Let’s see some of the fantastic benefits of the mobile system in the automotive industry and why every business should have one. Analytics Report for Daily Work & Performance Overview You can view your daily work overview and can schedule your mechanic job as per the priorities. You can track the performance of your workshop which will assist you to take necessary actions to improve the productivity of your automotive workshop. You can view your daily work overview and can schedule your mechanic job as per the priorities. You can track the performance of your workshop which will assist you to take necessary actions to improve the productivity of your automotive workshop. Lower The Usage of Papers Garage and car auto repair workshop are well known for having a lot of paperwork to do. Be it sales report, customer booking and invoices, there has always been strong dependency on paperwork to complete certain tasks. However, with the smart app in place it becomes pretty easy for anyone to manage the entire process in a digital format. The apps will update and sync all details to the desktop making it easy for workshops to access at any time. This is one of the most important and crucial reasons for having a mobile for your garage business. The app will reduce double handling, repetition and will improve workflow process for both staff and customers. Build A Long-Term Trustiness An independent workshop must work on building strong customer relationship that are long-lasting as car maintenance is on-going and there will be many opportunities to service and repair that customer car for over 5 to 10 years. By a smart system, customer can book their appointment, view service reports, make payments and provide feedback giving them transparency with build loyalty. The ability to interact with your customers has just become easier and faster and each workshop should take advantage of mobile smart system right now. Offer A Diverse Range of Payment Options to Your Customer The best thing here is online payments, with various digital wallets and payment methods available most of the customers lately are paying via this option only. If you don’t have digital payment methods in your store, you are lagging behind and may lose some customers too. A smart system with a payment gateway will give your customers the option to pay online via the app removing the need to carry cash. GET FREE E-BOOK Want FREE Marketing Tips for your Workshop? We’ll send it right to your inbox! Get our free e-book on marketing tips for auto repair workshop. Available in English & Bahasa Malaysia. Get FREE E-Book Now Start Progressing and Moving Forward Auto repair workshop owner and independent garages have been quite slow in adapting new technologies for a long time now. Still, it is high time for you to get apps on your device because it is going to have a considerable impact. There are a lot of benefits of smart system for auto technicians and for customers too. It is a win-win situation, and if you make the most out of it, you can enjoy huge returns on your investment in the app. Make sure to pick the right features of garage system platform and use them to the fullest. ENGARAGE will provide you an opportunity to convert your garage shop in the digital workshop. ENGARAGE will help your customers to book service and maintenance online and they can check their vehicle maintenance progress status in real-time. Dont hesitate to contact us for more information. Let’s bring digital innovation to your garage shops. Start Progressing and Moving Forward Auto repair workshop owner and independent garages have been quite slow in adapting new technologies for a long time now. Still, it is high time for you to get apps on your device because it is going to have a considerable impact. There are a lot of benefits of smart system for auto technicians and for customers too. It is a win-win situation, and if you make the most out of it, you can enjoy huge returns on your investment in the app. Make sure to pick the right features of garage system platform and use them to the fullest. ENGARAGE will provide you an opportunity to convert your garage shop in the digital workshop. ENGARAGE will help your customers to book service and maintenance online and they can check their vehicle maintenance progress status in real-time. Dont hesitate to contact us for more information. Let’s bring digital innovation to your garage shops Want to try ENGARAGE? If you are POMEN for Workshop app or POMEN Smart Workshop user, you can login through your current POMEN For Workshop or POMEN Smart Workshop ID and password. If you don’t have, one, you can create one here! Try ENGARAGE Free Now MANAGE YOUR WORKSHOP ON THE GO Download ENGARAGE App Now! Your inventory is updated with every work order completed so you can track every spare part movements, reducing risk of lost stock & service disruption. Back to Blogs
Bengkel Anda Lebih Gempak Dengan ENGARAGE!

BLOGS Penat uruskan bengkel kereta sampai tak cukup tangan? Tak penat kalau pakai ENGARAGE! Tingkatkan produktiviti & uruskan tenaga pekerja dengan lebih cekap apabila anda bertukar kepada sistem ENGARAGE. Ianya sebuah sistem yang mencakupi pelbagai aspek seperti menguruskan temujanji servis kereta & pemasaran digital. Selain dari itu, ENGARAGE juga menyediakan segala keperluan pengurusan bengkel dalam satu sistem untuk anda. Apa Itu ENGARAGE? Sebuah sistem yang baru sahaja dilancarkan di Malaysia, ENGARAGE membantu anda dari segi mengurus & mengawal operasi harian di dalam bengkel kereta anda. Ianya meliputi pelbagai aspek seperti pengagihan tugas, pengurusan masa, & pemantauan prestasi mekanik yang boleh meningkatkan produktiviti. ENGARAGE juga boleh membantu dalam pengurusan inventori & analisis jualan, sekaligus menjadikan operasi bengkel kereta anda lebih teratur. Kenapa Anda Perlu Guna ENGARAGE? 1. Buku Log Membebankan Ucapkan selamat tinggal kepada buku log yang melecehkan & simpanan rekod yang senang pudar! Dengan menggunakan ENGARAGE, anda boleh semak segala rekod lampau bengkel anda sepantas kilat. Semak jumlah jualan semasa, produktiviti mekanik, atau maklumat pelanggan dengan mudah tanpa perlu merujuk kertas kerja & buku log lama bila anda pakai ENGARAGE. Di dalam dunia yang serba pantas, pelanggan anda juga mahukan kepantasan. Buku log & catitan tangan akan melambatkan gerak kerja anda. Bertukarlah ke ENGARAGE hari ini untuk elak sebarang kelewatan. 2. Sistem Pemfailan Mengelirukan Anda runsing dengan sistem pemfailan bengkel yang rumit? ENGARAGE boleh membantu anda dalam pengurusan temujanji & inventori. Anda hanya perlukan laptop atau telefon pintar! Jangan risau, anda tak perlu jadi pakar IT untuk menggunakannya. ENGARAGE mudah difahami & dikendali oleh sesiapa sahaja kerana ia mempunyai tampilan yang mengikuti langkah-langkah yang logik. GET FREE E-BOOK Want FREE Marketing Tips for your Workshop? We’ll send it right to your inbox! Get our free e-book on marketing tips for auto repair workshop. Available in English & Bahasa Malaysia. Get FREE E-Book Now Tingkatkan Kepuasan Pelanggan Perkara yang sering bermain dalam minda pemilik bengkel adalah cara untuk menawan hati pelanggan baru & lama. Langkah terbaik adalah dengan berhubung secara langsung dengan mereka melalui SMS & emel promosi. Melalui ENGARAGE, anda boleh hantar peringatan terus ke pelanggan. Ingatkan pelanggan anda tentang penyelenggaraan kenderaan mereka yang akan datang & juga promosi terkini bengkel anda dengan alat pemasaran yang sudah tersedia ada di dalam ENGARAGE. Teruja nak guna ENGARAGE? Sistem ini memiliki semua yang anda perlukan untuk pengurusan aktiviti harian di bengkel kereta anda. Anda pengguna aplikasi POMEN For Workshop atau POMEN Smart Workshop? Anda boleh teruskan login menggunakan nama pengguna dan kata laluan akaun POMEN For Workshop atau POMEN Smart Workshop anda. Jom, cuba ENGARAGE sekarang! Cuba ENGARAGE Sekarang! MANAGE YOUR WORKSHOP ON THE GO Download ENGARAGE App Now! Your inventory is updated with every work order completed so you can track every spare part movements, reducing risk of lost stock & service disruption. Back to Blogs
Filing Issues Impacting Your Garage Business?

BLOGS Is your auto workshop bogged down by too many files & papers? There’s just not enough time of the day to keep track of all your important documents. Here are 3 ways your garage filing has been impacted & 1 way you can solve all 3 of them! 1. Missing Papers? Paper-based work orders and invoices are tedious. Too much time is used when finding & writing a work order, verifying information, or simply updating a note. It can drive you crazy! Imagine trying to find and piece all the paperwork back together for tax season. 2. Limited Visibility Some of workshop owner facing an invisible cost problem in financial reporting. Financial reporting can take up to six weeks. With the time taken to compile and send over the prior months profit and loss statement. The problem is, if we had a financial issue with our parts profit margins or another area of the business, almost 2 months had passes before we knew about it. That’s a huge amount of missed profit. 3. Talent Loss Workshop technicians consider the work environment to be the biggest factor that makes them stay or leave. Paper-based processes can be frustrating & slows them down from finishing more jobs. Mechanics are simply weighed down from scheduling, to inspections, to estimate creation, labor guides, and more. But all these processes can be made simply faster and easier when not done on paper. How? With ENGARAGE! GET FREE E-BOOK Want FREE Marketing Tips for your Workshop? We’ll send it right to your inbox! Get our free e-book on marketing tips for auto repair workshop. Available in English & Bahasa Malaysia. Get FREE E-Book Now ENGARAGE is Your Best Filing Solution What if finding all your important garage documents can be done from the comfort of your office? You could do it all digitally with ENGARAGE. With this newly launched Workshop Management System (WMS), all your work orders, invoices, & POs can be accessed whenever you need. Want to try it out for yourself? Sign up for free if you’re new user. For POMEN Smart Workshop’s user, you can login using your existing username and password. Try ENGARAGE now! Try ENGARAGE for FREE Now! MANAGE YOUR WORKSHOP ON THE GO Download ENGARAGE App Now! Your inventory is updated with every work order completed so you can track every spare part movements, reducing risk of lost stock & service disruption.