Bengkel Tak Terurus Buat Anda Serabut?

BLOGS Bengkel rasa berserabut? Penat cari dokumen yang asyik hilang? Tak produktif setiap kali masuk kerja? Ketahui kenapa bengkel kereta anda rasa terlalu serabut & macam mana anda boleh selesaikannya dengan sistem pengurusan bengkel kereta yang lebih efisien. Serabut Sampai Dokumen Asyik HilangDalam kesibukan anda berada di bengkel, mudah untuk terlepas pandang masalah kewangan. Kerana penjanaan laporan kewangan tidak berlaku dalam sekelip mata tetapi boleh makan masa beberapa bulan. Perkara ini boleh mengakibatkan jumlah kerugian yang besar. Semuanya akibat terlepas pandang. Bengkel Serabut Sampai Terlepas Pandang Dalam kesibukan anda berada di bengkel, mudah untuk terlepas pandang masalah kewangan. Kerana penjanaan laporan kewangan tidak berlaku dalam sekelip mata tetapi boleh makan masa beberapa bulan. Perkara ini boleh mengakibatkan jumlah kerugian yang besar. Semuanya akibat terlepas pandang. GET FREE E-BOOK Want FREE Marketing Tips for your Workshop? We’ll send it right to your inbox! Get our free e-book on marketing tips for auto repair workshop. Available in English & Bahasa Malaysia. Get FREE E-Book Now Bengkel Serabut Sampai Pekerja Lari Juru-juru teknik serta mekanik-mekanik menganggap suasana kerja adalah faktor terbesar yang membuatkan mereka memilih untuk tetap berkerja atau ‘angkat kaki’. Proses-proses yang menggunakan kertas boleh mendatangkan tekanan dan memperlahankan rentak mereka dari segi menyiapkan tugas. Mekanik sering dibebankan dengan penjadualan, pemeriksaan dan banyak lagi. Proses-proses ini boleh diselesaikan dengan cepat dan mudah jika bukan dengan penggunaan kertas. Bagaimana? Dengan ENGARAGE-lah! ENGARAGE Boleh Kemaskan Sistem Bengkel Anda Cuba bayangkan pengurusan dokumen penting bengkel anda boleh dilakukan dalam ruang selesa pejabat anda. Anda boleh lakukannya secara digital dengan ENGARAGE. Dengan sistem yang baharu sahaja dilancarkan ini, semua turutan kerja, & invois boleh diakses dari mana-mana sahaja anda berada dan bila-bila sahaja anda memerlukannya. Nak cuba? Hanya perlu daftar di bawah. Bagi yang sudah ada akaun POMEN Smart Workshop, anda hanya perlu masukkan ID dan kata laluan sedia ada anda. Selamat mencuba! Cuba ENGARAGE Secara PERCUMA Sekarang MANAGE YOUR WORKSHOP ON THE GO Download ENGARAGE App Now! Your inventory is updated with every work order completed so you can track every spare part movements, reducing risk of lost stock & service disruption. Back to Blogs
How To Get More Customers for Your Auto Repair Shop

BLOGS As the economy brawl, things get tough and even a little risky, there is no doubt that you have seen this in your shop. This is tricky in the sense that people tend to neglect and sometimes go without their vehicle maintenance or repair, which leads to slower days and at a times even longer periods such as weeks or months. Here are few tips on how to manage your existing customer and how to attract new customers. Create Your Own Brand and Market It You may have experienced a slowdown period at one point or another with booking numbers below average? This is more likely a really good time to reach out to your existing customers and drum up some business, the message could be instructional such as tips on maintaining your vehicle or sales related by offering a special service or repair, you may even want to incentivize them by offering a discount. GET FREE E-BOOK Want FREE Marketing Tips for your Workshop? We’ll send it right to your inbox! Get our free e-book on marketing tips for auto repair workshop. Available in English & Bahasa Malaysia. Get FREE E-Book Now Be Active on Social Media In the environment of social media your brand need to maintain its digital identity which can promote your growth alongside your website. Social media platforms, such as Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter provide strong occasion for posts that can generate interest which can lead to online bookings. Your post should be scheduled frequently so your audience becomes familiar and begins to follow you, your posts should include link to blog, notifications and specials providing a call to action. Manage Your Workshop Well with ENGARAGE by POMEN If your workflow becomes static, your growth of the company may become static too. Dont become static, try ENGARAGE which reduce workflow and workload processes. It give an easy online portal for consumers to remain updated and in contact along with an online appointment booking mobile app hourly. This software lead the company on an external basis and builds a solid structure within the company itself. Scheduling shifts, maintaining invoices, calculating due payments, and setting up the inventory are some tasks that can be easily fullfill within the software. Are you ready for ENGARAGE? Try it now, it’s FREE! Try ENGARAGE for FREE Now! MANAGE YOUR WORKSHOP ON THE GO Download ENGARAGE App Now! Your inventory is updated with every work order completed so you can track every spare part movements, reducing risk of lost stock & service disruption. Back to Blogs
How Workshop Management Software Is Valuable to Technicians

BLOGS The auto repair industry is expeditiously changing, repairing vehicles nowadays has become high-tech occupation with technicians using a laptop, computer or a handheld device are a common sight during the repair or services. In this ever-changing landscape, workshop owners are fighting to simplify their daily operational activities and in understanding the diverse nature of the auto repair industry. That’s where workshop owners look for automotive software that organize their daily tasks, increases employee efficiency and customer experience within garage at the same time. Advantages Of Workshop Software for Mechanics and Technicians 1. Time Saving Service advisors and technicians in a busy workshop have a lot to deal with throughout the day juggling answering call enquiries while dealing with customers waiting become a struggle resulting in reduction of efficiency and delaying the process. To save time on on these time-consuming tasks, workshops can use technology to improve efficiency by using built in message function like email, text along with In-App notifications that are delivered instantly to the customer. 2. Controlled Access As a workshop manager or business owner, you want to secure that sufficient access level is assigned to each employee. Having the capacity to control access to a specific function of the software is a benefit as the employee will only see and be able to perform functions specific to their role, this eliminates possible visual distractions and keeps the employee fully focused. Smart workshop software allows you to configure the access levels based on specific roles. 3. Magnetize Skilled Mechanics The industry market is highly competitive with a shortage of qualified techs out there today, you really want to secure you maintain the good ones and be able to attract new techs. The new generation of technicians are heavily invested into technology for them, it’s just the way of life so they have a certain expectation when entering the job marketplace. Newly qualified or younger technicians would properly not view or choose a shop where they have to rearrange through piles of paperwork to find a job card, service history, or customer details. A smart auto garage business owner that invests in the latest automotive workshop management software stands out from the crowd due to the technology stack that delivers modern digital tools for its staff. GET FREE E-BOOK Want FREE Marketing Tips for your Workshop? We’ll send it right to your inbox! Get our free e-book on marketing tips for auto repair workshop. Available in English & Bahasa Malaysia. Get FREE E-Book Now 4. Provide Better Customer Service The workshop industry believes in customer-first trade. Roughly 70 to 75 percent of customers of an auto shop business are repeat visitors so it is important that you maintain good communication with them throughout the year. Good auto shop software provides features focusing on customer communication / marketing channels like emails, text message and in-app notifications to remind customers of upcoming services, follow up on repair orders and send out campaigns for specials which are great ways to keep in touch and connected with existing customers. What Software That Fit the Mechanics Some workshop owners use numerous software modules in isolation for their daily operations such as electronics invoices, repair orders, customer management, appointment booking and inventory management, sales and much more. This is itself presents in efficient use of time and energy causing unwanted stress and pressure due to an overload of multi-tasking. A better solution would be to simplify all these tasks into one platform with all the feature included. ENGARAGE is workshop that can provide accurate reports, customer management, appointment booking, CRM, invoices, inventory management and much more for you whenever you need them. ENGARAGE has a dashboard that provides important information and statistics about car workshop activities in a simple and easy-to-understand. This dashboard can provide accurate reports on the activities of the car workshop, including the number of customers served, records of car repair and service work, and the workshop’s finances. MANAGE YOUR WORKSHOP ON THE GO Download ENGARAGE App Now! Your inventory is updated with every work order completed so you can track every spare part movements, reducing risk of lost stock & service disruption. Try ENGARAGE. It’s FREE! Beside than total sales, ENGARAGE also has many other benefits for car workshop owners. 1. Simplify scheduling ENGARAGE can assist workshop owners schedule repair and maintaining progress more efficiently, avoiding any confusion or delays. 2. Increase the level of efficiency By using ENGARAGE, the vehicles repair, and service process can be done more efficiently, reducing the time it takes to complete each job. 3. Reduce errors and oversights ENGARAGE can help reduce the possibility of mistakes when doing car repair and service work, which can cause customer frustration and financial loss. 4. Provides accurate reports Our workshop management system can provide accurate reports on the results of car repair and service work, including cost involved and time taken. 5. Facilitate Communication ENGARAGE can facilitate communication between workshop owners, staff, and customers, providing an easy platform to exchange information and avoid any confusion. Upgrade your mechanics now and don’t miss out the opportunity to try ENGARAGE! Back to Blogs