
How do I create a work order? #


To access this feature, you must subscribe to the pro plan

There two ways to create workorder:

  1. Create from booking list to workorder
  2. Create new workorder from workorder menu


Create from booking list to workorder

  1. Navigate to the “Manage > Booking” here, you’ll see a list of your booking
  2. Choose which booking you want to convert to workorder
  3. Go to column action and choose workorder then the status will change to “created”
  4. There six status to complete one transaction process :
  • Created : Convert from booking to workorder
  • Quoted : Fill in part/service details, you be able to send quotation to customer
  • In progress :
  • Completed :
  • Invoiced
  • Paid


Create new workorder

  1. Navigate to the “Manage > WorkOrder” here, you’ll see a list of your workorder
  2. Click “+Work Order” button, on the top right of the header section
  3. System will display workorder page, you may fill in all the details
  4. Confirm by clicking “Save” button

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